Minister Bensaid presided over an award ceremony of the competition “The Green March through the eyes of youth makers of content” First session

Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, presided last Monday, December 6, 2021, over an award ceremony of the first session of a competition called “The Green March through the eyes of youth makers of content” organized by the Moroccan cinematographic center in partnership with the communication sector.

​In his statement made on the occasion, Minister Bensaid has asserted that this kind of competitions will continue over the next years and will be about various national holidays, for the sake of encouraging the transmit of messages and history from one generation to another with creative manners.

​Mr. Bensaid has presented his congratulations to winners and also to the rest of participants who have deployed big efforts and so deserve support from the cinematographic center for their future projects.

​At the end, Minister Bensaid has informed the winners that their short movies about the commemoration of the Green March will be shown on 2M TV channel over the few coming weeks in recognition for their own efforts and actions.

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