Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi defends the decision of « imposing vaccination pass » and clarifies reasons behind it »

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice, has defended the government latest decision to impose “vaccination pass”, considering that the government should deal with decisions related to pandemic situation with more boldness.

Mr. Ouahbi confirmed, during an invitation by 2M program “Talking with the press”, aired on the TV channel last Wednesday, November 10 2021, that the pandemic situation has always been a topic of discussion inside the government council; as two ideas were raised, the first one said that we should open and face the pandemic, the other one said we should care about Moroccans health condition, making clear “We should not get involved in a decision whose price will be paid by Moroccans; and since results have shown that we have made some strides and have overcome dangers, therefore we have decided the opening so that Moroccans will be happy, and that would help increase economic level; however, the government should have more boldness regarding that decision”.
Mr. Ouahbi clarified “As regard those who have said that the decision has come as result of protests witnessed by Morocco due to imposing vaccination pass, I say that for the sake of alleviating emergency health situation, there should be a vaccination pass, since the 24 million Moroccans who were vaccinated called for their own protection, that’s why imposing vaccination pass was for the purpose of protecting Moroccans to achieve collective immunity”.
Adding “As for the protests, I am still wondering whether they were for “vaccination pass”? or for something else, why the 24 million Moroccans have not gone out for protests, that’s why we should make the right decision and not to satisfy Facebook; we, as a government, we work according to the law and for the sake of the county’s interest and not for Facebook”.

Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi in 2M program “Talking with press”:
I am satisfied by the return of Benkiran to political scene, and the penal code bill was withdrawn from the Parliament by me

Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi has expressed his satisfaction towards the return of Abdel Ilah Benkiran to lead the PJD and back to political life.
Mr. Ouahbi stated during an invitation by 2M program “Talking with the press” aired by the Moroccan TV channel last Wednesday, November 10, 2021 “you know my relationship with Abdel Ilah Benkiran, despite some differences with him about many positions, yet he remains an active political player, and his return will give a push to political scene”.
Adding “The results got by the PJD in the latest elections have been painful for me, the PJD is a political foe but that does not mean it should be exterminated, I hope Benkiran will blow a new spirit to the party, though it is a hard mission but may Allah Help him”.
Concerning the government withdrawing the penal code bill, Mr. Ouahbi has clarified that it was himself who has made the proposal to the government President to withdraw the bill from Parliament, in order to present it in its broader aspect; confirming that the goal is to fully review the penal code to make it larger for crimes in which there occurs reconciliation, and to think about alternative sentences, to create centers for addicted youth and to think about fines and other issues such as freedoms, “because what Morocco has achieved of successes should be reflected in the penal code”, said Mr. Ouahbi.

Minister of Justice Abdellatif Ouahbi: I will submit a petition to His Majesty for the amnesty on behalf of the Rif remaining detainees

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice, has announced that he will submit a petition to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, for the amnesty of the Rif remaining detainees, and His Majesty will have full powers to take the decision at his own convenience.
Mr. Ouahbi stated during an invitation by 2M TV program “Talking with the press” aired last Wednesday, November 10; 2021 “concerning the issue of the Rif detainees, we have reached a degree of a final sentence by the court of Appeal and there remains the competence of amnesty which is His Majesty’s competence, right now I am preparing a petition to His Majesty for the amnesty of those detainees, and His Majesty as the head of the state, has full competences to take the convenient decision, and I am deliberating the process with both Ministers and executives because I wish to see the release of the Rif detainees”.
Mr. Ouahbi clarified “I haven’t worked on this dossier for political purpose, but I am convinced that there should be there some forgiveness about a number of files to create a new atmosphere and so we will continue in the same process as the one followed by His Majesty with the Justice and Reconciliation Authority, that’s why I bear my responsibility and will proceed forwards.

Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi: His Majesty’s recent speech about the Moroccan Sahara is a confirmation of a former position and the Sahara will not be a subject for negotiations

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice, commented last Wednesday, November 10, 2021 during an invitation by 2M TV channel program “Talking with the press”, on His Majesty Mohammed VI’s recent speech on the occasion of the Green March commemoration, when His Majesty stated “Morocco does not negotiate about its Sahara and the Moroccan nature of the Sahara has never been and will never be raised on the negotiations table” end of His Majesty’s quotes, absolutely that was the orientation endorsed by His Majesty since his coming to power, he has only reaffirmed that.

Minister Ouahbi has confirmed that there should be some determination to deal with the Moroccan Sahara issue, and it should not be a topic of negotiations, making clear that “We were only seeking for some kind of dialogue, and out of our desire to find a breakthrough for those who were involved in positions of no interest to anyone, that’s why we believe that it’s not a new position but a confirmation for a former position, and this is the policy pursued by His Majesty since his coming to power”.

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