The PAM politburo communiqué sheds light on the independence anniversary, the Corona pandemic, market conditions and new developments of financial law and the PAM National Council

Following the preparations to hold the PAM national council session, in attendance; next Saturday, the PAM leaders met last Monday, November 22, 2021, with the presence of the Secretary General of the party, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, to debate latest preparations and express opinion regarding a number of issues that interest political life in Morocco.

In this context, the PAM politburo has published a communiqué beginning with Morocco’s anniversary of its independence, confirming that “the commemorations by the Moroccan people of the independence national day is an important national event to recall the democratic, diplomatic and development process undertaken by Morocco under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and our country’s collective continuation in constructing major development projects, in implementing political, democratic; and making reforms choices; and thus to continue to reap qualitative diplomatic gains, despite internal and external challenges as linked to the Covid-19 pandemic impacts and fluctuations of international markets and pressure from neighboring misbehavior”.

The PAM politburo members have considered in their communiqué that “the commemoration of this cherished event is an occasion to express pride towards the strong decisions taken continuously by His Majesty Mohammed VI, following on the footsteps of his predecessors, particularly late King Hassan II as the unifier and late Mohammed V as the spiritual leader of independence and liberation, May Allah Have both them in His Mercy”.

According to the same communiqué, members of the Politburo have also talked “at length about the Covid–19 pandemic impacts on our country’s general condition, despite the efforts deployed by the government and all the state institutions, while expressing at the same time hopes of the positive downward trend and tangible improvement in death ratio, which are very positive signs that should not make us ignore our collective responsibility in continuing to be fully aware and mobilized to activate various preventive measures, especially with the comeback of new waves of this virus as noticed recently by some European countries”.

Concerning some society’s issues, the communiqué has confirmed that members of the Politburo, have recorded some prices increases in some basic food, agricultural and industrial products, recalling the repercussions of international markets fluctuations and the increase cost of production and fluctuations of the international energy markets and their impacts on national economy and prices stability; calling on the government to be more vigilant and determined to take all measures to protect consumers from surprising and unjustified increases and to take very hard line against anybody who dares exploit these conditions to resort to price gouging, and also to monitor health safety and quality in different sectors; it’s also an invitation to all citizens, professionals and various interested bodies to have a strong feeling of responsibility and nationalism and avoid the exploitation of these fluctuations to illegally resort to prices increase.

Regarding the financial bill for 2022, which is still under discussion at the Second House “Members of the Politburo have highly valued social orientations included in the new financial bill, which have come as a reflection of the government willingness to practically fulfill its electoral promises, and also that the financial bill frankly express the common determination of the majority government parties to lay down the basis for reviving national economy and to allow national businesses to embrace competitive power.

Members of the Politburo have confirmed, added the communiqué “while they highly take into consideration the PAM MPs commitment to the majority charter and their intensive voting for the financial bill, after a series of important proposals for the improvement of the bill, they highly value the responsible debate undertaken right now by the PAM members at the Second House, appreciating strongly the proposals being made by those members about the bill, expressing therefore a full commitment to our party’s position inside the government majority as imposed on us by a responsible collective commitment”.

At the organizational level, members of the Politburo have talked about latest preparations for holding a session of the national council (the party parliament) in attendance, next Saturday, 27 November 2021, to discuss the completion of constituting the politburo and electing the national council structures, the adoption of the bylaws and preparing all conditions for its success, calling on party members to integrate organizational dynamism regionally and across provinces to make successful this session which is occurring in an unprecedented party circumstances as it has moved from the opposition to become one of the major pillars of the current government, a position that brings the party to embrace a strong national responsibility and a big popular challenge to achieve development, equity, justice and dignity to all male and female citizens.

In conclusion, members of the PAM politburo have called everybody to adhere to our responsible commitments towards our nation and our citizens and towards our position inside the government majority, and to pursue mobilization and integration in all efforts and commitments which we have made during the last elections.

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