Mr. Ouahbi lists the PAM main features in the Moroccan political scene confirming that PAM represents the new generation of democrats

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, the PAM Secretary General has praised the important position attained by the PAM among national democratic parties and the big respect the party is enjoying among civic society communities spheres and among all persons and bodies interesting in the Moroccan political life.

Mr. Ouahbi said in his intervention during the PAM National Council extraordinary session held on Saturday, November 27, 2021 at the Endowment Palace in Marrakech, “We no longer take positions according preconceived judgments or imported planning from foreign political spheres outside our nation; but we have become reliable on the peculiarities of active players in the Moroccan political life and on their commitment to our national values and regulations on one hand; and on their rapprochement or further from our political project aimed at serving our country’s progress and development”.

In the same context, Mr. Ouahbi said “We are not programmed to antagonize one side or another; to sympathize with that side or with another, but we have come to express the new generation of democrats keen with our national history, with the modernization development process that listens to only our nation’s interest under the leadership of His Majesty”.
The PAM Secretary General has confirmed that since the first phases of the new start inaugurated by the fourth convention, the party has gone through various reforms processes saying “We have created a media platform that we have named the “Tractor” in both Arabic and French to be as the spokesperson tool of the party, relying on a highly professional media and press team to form a platform that speaks for the party’s positions its media and cultural members and its sympathizers alike”.

Mr. Ouahbi added that “The party newspaper, its renewable electronic portal in form and content open to three modern languages Arabic, French and English, omnipresent in the Moroccan media landscape, and through which we have expressed ourselves on many thoughts, visions and our party should be proud that we have been the only ones who have committed to follow up with political events, embracing responsible analysis and positions included in the editorials published in each issue of our newspaper signed by the PAM Secretary General”.

Mr. Ouahbi stated that the PAM is considered today as a rising democratic force with an outstanding identity and true political eagerness to enrich and bring new values to the Moroccan political life and to democratic process of our country … The party has become more unified more dynamic to contribute to the achievement of a modern development and economic project and imposes itself as a strong proposal for a better future and a power to serve the nation.

After praising all the PAM active members for their strenuous roles and efforts during the last electoral campaign, Mr. Ouahbi stated that the PAM has joined the government with high civic and national courage like when it was in the opposition practicing its rights in criticism and in making proposals with full courage and true nationalism and thus has entered the government via its legitimate democratic gate being opened by the Moroccan voters and therefore the party has assumed a historical responsibility to serve them.

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