Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi: Lack of respect towards the PAM is a red line we won’t keep silent on it .. We will assume our full responsibility inside the government

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, the PAM Secretary General has addressed a firm speech to those who are trying to attack the party on the media, stating “the one who was criticizing Abdellatif Ouahbi, the Secretary General of the PAM previously, I did not respond him, since everyone has his own viewpoint, but to show lack of respect towards the PAM that is a red line we won’t keep silent on it”.

The Secretary General has clarified in a very expressive statement during the extraordinary session held last Saturday November 27, 2021 in Marrakech, that the decision to hold the National Council session remotely and stay limited only to members as such has come in the last minute”.

The decision to join the government has been made with honesty and responsibility, that’s why any position or decision taken by the government will be endorsed by PAM ministers and will be followed till the end, so they will be responsible as the state’s ministers and as statesmen.

The Secretary General has defined two important points he will not make concessions on: The first one is the attendance of ministers at the commissions’ works at the National Council to discuss the PAM orientations, the second point is the attendance of deputies at the works of all the Parliament activities.

Concerning the Democratic Organization of Labor (trade union), the Secretary General has confirmed that the union should carry out its mission in an independent way and should defend the interests of the category it represents calling on not mixing union action with political one, outlining “the union should not be represented in the political bureau, of course we will support them but they don’ have to decide inside the party as we don’t have to decide inside the union”.

Mr. Ouahbi added that “I will propose to the political bureau to solve the party women body and bring in restructuration so that it will enjoy its own independence and will not work under the party authority at the organizational level, yet the party will only support it”.

The second body is the party youth organization, Ministers Mehdi Bensaid and Youness Sekkouri will be in charge of this body and we will let the youth to choose who will be their president, and we won’t be subjected to any allegiance in those organizations”.

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