Akhannouch, Ouahbi and Barakat sign « the majority charter »

The government majority political parties’ secretaries general signed today the majority charter two months after the constitution of the cabinet on October 7, 2021.

In a meeting with the press, Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, President of the government stated today at the RNI party premises in Hay Riyadh and in the presence of his allies, that “this is an outstanding event” as it represents a “contract” between the coalition components in implementing the government program and its commitments; he said that the matter concerns a new political experience based on the foundations of mutual respect among the majority components, on the ground that the goal is to achieve citizens’ expectations. Mr. Aziz Akhannouch said that the charter is not a goal in itself but a means to increase the performance of the government action, considering that the era of responsibility denunciation is gone and that the majority will not waste Moroccans’ time in sterile sparring.

From his side, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, the PAM Secretary General said that the signing of the charter constitutes an important political and historical moment, which is characterized by many constraints and increasing external provocations; the fact which imposes on the coalition components “to be responsible”.

From his part, the Istiqlal party Secretary General Nizar Barakat, said the charter is considered “as common tool for the government collective action” to confront all challenges; he also called for listening to the society and respond to popular determination; the charter represents also a phase to activate collective intelligence of the majority components for charge.

The signing ceremony of the charter was held in the presence of a number of ministers and personalities, including Mr. Chakib Benmousa, Minister of National Education; Mr. Rashid Talbi Alami, President of the House of Representatives and Ministers Mr. Younes Sekkouri and Mohcin Chiba Maa Al Ainine, President of the Istiqlal party National Council.

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