Minister Ouahbi : Political responsibility inside the majority is to safeguard the nation’s interest and achieve citizens’ demands

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, the PAM Secretary General, stated that the signing of the majority charter is a crucial historical and political moment in our country life due to challenges and many internal hard social and economic problems, constraints and increasing external provocations, stressing that the PAM presence in the government majority is not a picnic and will not be “a prestige” or a political and social privilege, it is however a hard assignment and the party will make its best to carry out its mission in the best possible manner.

Mr. Ouahbi said in a statement made during the majority charter signing ceremony on Monday, December 6, 2021, “we are fully aware that it’s not permissible to make mistakes and hesitate, or to resort to narrow parties calculations; for, the political responsibility inside the government majority has one meaning in our viewpoint which is to protect the nation’s interest and achieve citizens’ demands with more qualitative and efficient means to bring progress to our society up to citizens’ expectations”. The Minister has clarified that this could be done only through a harmonious government majority, strong with its ballot legitimacy and listening to all cultural and ideological components in our country, and also through using responsible political and reforming means, far from cost free nepotism and narrow factional political calculations”.

Mr. Ouahbi added “We have met inside the current government majority on a clear background, embodied in the constitution spirit and text, in the supreme royal orientations and in the content of the government program as established backgrounds tracing the path of our reasonable action founded on the nation and citizens’ interest and make the nation’s constants above any other consideration. These are the real battles which we will be waging and will afford all effort and political legislative time and we will not waste time in double standards or fabricating partial issues which have no relations with the nation and citizens’ interest”.
The PAM Secretary General continued by saying “out of the position of our strong belief in the imperative to work as homogenous and solidarity government team, as the only approach to achieve efficiency in the government action and accelerate the pace of our country’s major development projects and reforms. We, in the PAM, will not be a higher democratic and political power inside the government majority but we will embody the identity of the combined government majority and our collective and outstanding willingness in serving public interest, with unprecedented wariness and mobilization. We will also be eager to be the pillar of a political majority that constitutes a harmonious government unity, efficient and pro-active unprecedented in the history of government life in our country”.

“We are fully aware, added Mr. Ouahbi, that “we are today in the majority and not in the opposition, responsible inside a government, which faces changing external challenges and crucial internal tasks, rapid constraints still being imposed by the Covid – 19 pandemic, all these factors require from the government to achieve a qualitative move in the Moroccan economy to serve progress and social well-being aspired by the Moroccan people today and more than any time before”. Adding “Out of our aspirations and culture from inside the party for participative action with those who share with us the same values and goals, be sure that we will stand by your side as enlightened and proposing force and a strong executive and committed power inside both the government and Parliament structure, we will present possible alternatives and do our best to transform our government collective goals to a very advanced reality which serves the nation and citizens”.

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