Mr. Ouahbi: The PAM tractor has done a very important political plowing.. I will do my best to serve Taroudant local populations

The PAM tractor has done a very important political plowing since it has achieved very honorable results during September 8 last elections, has confirmed the PAM Secretary General, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi in his intervention as a guest to a radio program “Without stale language”, broadcast live last Friday evening, December 17, 2021 by Med Radio.

​Mr. Ouahbi has seized this opportunity to present his thankfulness to PAM members and elected members across the country, in view of their big and strenuous efforts they have deployed to bring the party to have those outstanding results.

​The Secretary General has considered that the PAM has maintained its second rank position because it has changed its political discourse and has worked to renew the building of its relationships with the rest of big political parties that form the national political – party landscape, and thus was transformed from a normal party which has managed to convince citizens with a new discourse.

​In relation with his responsibility as President of Taroudant communal council, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi has underlined that developing the city of Taroudant and its province concerns him continuously, he feels that the region owed him a certain debt; and in this context, Mr. Ouahbi has talked about the city cultural compound which has been built several years ago but remains nonoperational.

​“Just after I’ve come to win the presidency of the communal council, I made a visit to the compound and asked for the construction of a conservatorium inside the compound and during my site visit to the region, I was accompanied by the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, who has expressed his department support to sponsor talented young girls and boys from the region, while the Ministry delegate has had another opposite opinion, considering that the building of the conservatorium was useless, knowing that the Ministry’s delegate has never before supervised any cultural activity, with the exception of some initiatives made through the Governor of Taroudant province”, said Ouahbi.

​Mr. Ouahbi added “In general, I have made some efforts in providing musical instruments for that conservatorium for the behalf of children who have never benefited from any service and in my talks with a number of local officials, I have come to understand that this delegate used to put obstacles in the face of any cultural initiative”.

​Honestly, what is important for me is what I should offer to children in Taroudant, a province which lives hard conditions at many levels, knowing that it enjoys many important qualifications and components among them for instance “The Sultan Qasbah” considered as heritage landmark and needs care and attention since it is one of the historical sites of the entire province and of Taroudant in particular. On this basis, my move in this venue as President of the communal council is only to serve public matters and afford convenient premises in all vital fields for the behalf of citizens”.

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