Member of Parliament Ouaamrou presents to Minister Mehdi Bensaid three projects for achievement concerning youth, culture and sports in Qalaa Seraghna

Minister of Culture, Youth and Communication, Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid received last Monday, December 20, 2021, deputy chairman of the Parliamentarian commission for controlling public finance and member of Parliament for the legislative district Seraghna Zemran, Mr. Abderrahim Ouaamrou, in the context of a meeting devoted to discuss three urgent projects which concern the youth, culture and sports sector in the province.

The first sector concerns the rehabilitation of the Hassan I park in Sidi Rahhal to become operational as an important public facility, a cultural landmark and an archeological capital to Sidi Rahhal region.

The second project, however, concerns the development of a cultural compound in Qalaa Segharna, whose construction works have been delayed and so should be inaugurated in the shortest deadline due to the great expectations of civil society community and of the cultural artistic and youth sector in the city in general.

The third project concerns the reexamination of a number of youth and women centers across the territorial province of Qalaa Segharna, this actually goes hand in hand with thinking about other projects such as a cultural center in Tamlalt and Attawiya as emerging towns to encourage local young people to develop their skills.

Mr. Ouaamrou has stated that the Minister has demonstrated his full readiness to develop the youth, cultural and artistic sector in the region for the behalf of local young community across the province of Qalaa Segharna.

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