PAM Politburo calls on the government to implement royal supreme instructions about wildfires outbreak and support damaged communities

​PAM Politburo called, during an attendance meeting chaired by Mr. Samir Koudar, Deputy SG, of last Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at the party headquarters in Rabat, on the government to accelerate the implementation of royal supreme instructions to enact emergency measures to stop the outbreak of wildfires and bring support to damaged communities.

​PAM Politburo has confirmed in a communiqué issued following its meeting about the outbreak of wildfires in several forests sites in our country, which has resulted in heavy losses that “the PAM Politburo is following closely those events with big sorrow and pain as a reason of the suffering faced by the communities of those areas savagely damaged by wildfires”, expressing its gratitude towards the special royal care and his royal supreme instructions to enact emergency measures to halt the impact of wildfires and support damaged communities.

​The Politburo has called on the government to accelerate royal supreme instructions in the ground and with required speed and efficiency, reiterating at the same time its appreciation of qualitative interventions done by national public authorities, including Royal Armed Forces/FAR, Gendarmerie Royale, Civil Protection/Fire Department, Auxiliary Forces, members of National Agency for Water and Forestry and local authorities.

​Politburo members have also expressed their appreciation towards the integration of many elected bodies and civil society NGOs and a number of citizens for their strong solidarity and support for damaged communities.

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