Minister of Justice: The project to provide food for persons and minors in custody was a dream but now a reality we should be proud of

Minister of Justice: The project to provide food for persons and minors in custody was a dream but now a reality we should be proud of

Minister of Justice, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi has expressed his happiness towards the project bill about setting up rules of providing food for persons and minors being kept in custody and ways to offer them meals; such a project has become a reality after it was a kind of a dream.


Minister Ouahbui, said in a statement during the communication meeting held Monday morning, January 2, 2023, at his department on the occasion of launching the program of feeding persons in custody and minors being kept, saying: “We should be proud as a country to take care of citizens in detention, since detained citizens are innocent until proven guilty, and as a state we should provide them food.”

Minister Ouahbi has made clear, in the presence of the Public Prosecutor Office President, President of the Human Rights National Council, and officials from National Security and Royal Gendarmerie, that this outstanding legal action has come as a voluntary through and therefore has found its way into application, praising, on the occasion the great response and support by the Public Prosecutor Office, National Security and Royal Gendarmerie.

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