Final declaration of PAM women organization

The National convention of PAM women organization was held over two days, May 19/20, 2023 in Bouznika under the slogan “Comprehensive women empowerment is the foundation for development and equality”,

following a series of extensive preparations done by the preparatory committee, and keeping pace with support from the party’s leadership and its politburo, and following a series of important regional communication meetings from the majority of the Kingdom’s areas.

Strong attendance of PAM women

​The holding of this national convention has come within the framework of PAM organizational dynamism to renovate its affiliated structures and build a women organization open to all militants and contribute to national women political dynamism aimed at advancing Moroccan women conditions, out of the party’s background choice betting on social to achieve social justice and empower women to integrate the process of building a Morocco based on development, full civic principle, dignity, equality and equal opportunity.

​The PAM women national convention feels proud of the important social and development dynamism led by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in favor of Moroccan women issues and processed through many greater resolutions decisions and reforms which reinforce the role of position of Moroccan women in different sectors, on their top, the issuing of family status code and the 2011 constitution, updating rules and legislations and other bold resolutions which have helped advance Moroccan women position.

​In this context, PAM Secretary General’s statement read on his behalf by his deputy Mr. Samir Koudar, has reminded of His Majesty’s keen interest in caring for and advancing Moroccan women condition and that there are three major approaches to help implement the modern social project and therefore contribute to change Moroccan women condition: “True political determination, clarity in confronting old-fashioned mentalities, and courage in reforming legislations and implement effective measures”

​In the same direction, President of the party’s national council, Mrs. Fatima Zahra Mansouri, has confirmed that Moroccan women issue is at the top of priorities for the party leadership either at the economic, social or legal level, shedding light on high importance the PAM is affording to its women affiliated organization.

President Mansouri’s statement read on her own behalf by Mr. Abdellatif Ghalabzouri, has pointed out to the importance of advancing Moroccan women issues since women form half of the society and the leading roles Moroccan women are playing in all positions.

President of the national council has clarified that PMA women should be a highly-esteemed model for organization, good governance, creativity and dynamism to train women sector at the national, regional and local level, making good proposals on issues relate to women such as the e family status code, equality and equal opportunities.

Following extensive and responsible debate, national convention conferees have adopted the convention documents after a deep discussion by various commissions and after the election of President of the women organization, members of the national council and the new politburo. Those recommendations include the following points:

1. The national convention of PAM women organization reiterates the priority of our country’s territorial unity cause and align to defend our full national unity behind His Majesty Mohammed VI’s wised leadership, while praising big achievements achieved by Moroccan diplomacy thanks to His Majesty wise leadership and reaffirming that pursuing our democratic process, our national development process and reinforce our internal unity front is the best answer to our foes’ maneuvers.

2. The convention is proud that the Moroccan Kingdom endorses the policy of hands-extension policy to build a greater Maghreb bloc based on good neighborhood and good family and blood links among communities and peoples of the area.

3. The convention strongly condemns the suffering of our sisters sequestrated in Tinduf camps in humiliation condition of poverty and calls on the international community to intervene urgently to protect our sisters from different kinds of oppression, human trafficking, and aggression again children and their forced displacement to armed swamps among terrorist organizations.

4. The convention calls on all government components to make of Moroccan women issues their priority in their public policies inside different sectors and apply equity principle at the economic and social level.

5. The convention calls on the government and our party leadership to make of the major project of the social state an opportunity to reconcile with history and bring justice to women against all aspects of exclusion and marginalization.

6. The convention calls on all protagonists, from inside the government, Parliament, elected bodies, political parties and civil society NGOs to be inspired by the spirit of royal speeches about family status code inviting women to fully participate in all venues and sectors.

7. Calling on the government to be courageous and bold to speed up opening the major project of penal code with transparency and boldness.

8. Calling all political protagonist to decide on establishing more measures susceptible to endorse the presence of women in the political, party ad elected institutions.

9. The convention calls on opening an urgent institutional national dialogue to cut off definitely with the phenomenon of underage marriage due to catastrophic impacts on girls’ health and social conditions.

10. Calling on constitutional councils interested in educational, social and economic sectors to integrate strongly in public debate about women issues and find solutions to pending reforms policies questions related to women conditions.​

11. Calling on supporting the education of girls in rural areas as pivotal national major project to help girls contribute to the construction of a society honoring women equity.

Issued in Bouznika on Saturday, May 20, 2023

Qulub Fayteh

President of PAM women organization

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