The House of Councilors ..The Justice commission purses its discussion of the bill concerning the Higher Judiciary Institute

The House of Councilors ..The Justice commission purses its discussion of the bill concerning the Higher Judiciary Institute

The House of Councilors justice legislation and human rights commission continued last Monday July 10, 2023, the discussion of bill number 37.22 concerning the Higher Judiciary Institute, with the attendance of Minister of Justice Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi.

The bill has come to accomplish legal apparatus reform for judiciary power due to changes being witnessed by the justice field over the last few years.

Minister of Justice Ouahbi has confirmed in his introduction allocution that the discussion of this bill has come as an implementation of the regulatory act (bill number 106.13) which concerns basic status of judges, and that the new bill text reviewed the regulatory act of the Higher Judiciary Institute to make it appropriate with new developments resulted in the institutional independence of the judiciary power.

Minister Ouahbi has stressed that all amendments included in this project bill aim at achieving a number of goals among them financial autonomy of the institute, its mission as a training center for judiciary attachés and other justice staff according to chapters 9 & 10 of the bill number 106.13,; also continuing training for judges and for justice administrators for both nationals and foreign trainees and also for public and private national and international institutions, and signing of partnership and cooperation agreements to realize and manage common programs in training and research.

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