Fatima Zahra Mansouri to «Assabah» newspaper: The Ministry has done tremendous efforts to prepare urbanization documents and within two years 34 rehabilitation layouts were issued

Minister of National Territory Rehabilitation, Housing and City Policy, Mrs. Fatima Zahra Mansouri, has stated that “the current government has registered a full absence of rehabilitation layouts in most of the country’s cities, citing Rabat, the capital, as an example, whose urbanization layout was adopted in 1998.”

Minister Mansouri added in her interview with daily newspaper “Assabah” in its issue of Monday, February 26, 2024, that “legal longevity for rehabilitation layout is 10 years, that’s why Rabat, Marrakech or Tangier have worked without legal background in terms of rehabilitation programs..”

Mrs. Mansouri has reaffirmed that the Ministry has done tremendous efforts to prepare urbanization papers that required 6 years, making clear that within two years, in the government mid-term mandate, 34 rehabilitation layouts were adopted in big cities.

Minister Mansouri said that the Ministry will fight against improvisation in urbanization policy and rehabilitation papers will be prepared in consultation with external services stressing that citizens need good facilities, roads and well-equipped neighborhoods.

Concerning the fight against shanty-towns, Minister of Housing has stressed that the project launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI in 2004 has provided funds, after big effort, to implement the program first in responding to the flow of urbanization process due to emigration from rural areas to cities in search for jobs opportunities; and second to fight the “buying and selling” in shanty towns.. We have found out that 14 thousand people have benefited twice from decent housing programs and this in unacceptable and unreasonable.

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