Clarification Press Release From PAM

​Within the context of communicating with national public opinion and its enlightenment via mass media and to clarify some information which was published about subvention funds offered to a studies center according to the annual report about subvention program to Moroccan political parties, thePAM clarifies and states the following:

First: PAM has got a studies center/think tank, created in 2020 and it is an internal center of the party for public dialogue and modern studies, with its own human resources and in case of need, it could request assistance of expertise from outside the party through legal procedures; therefore, the beneficiary from those subvention funds is the center that is affiliated with the party and not a company or a center fromoutside the party as it was reported in some press reports.

Second: Regarding the council’s observation about disbursement of those subventions before December 31, 2022, PAM has received those subventions like all other political parties in the last quarter of 2022 and so all the legal and administrative procedures could not be achieved along that period.

Third: Regarding the PAM refraining from presenting completed studies, the party has reaffirmed in its response to the Higher Accounts Council that those studies are internal matters and it is the same response afforded by political parties, knowing that the party has presented conclusions and the results of those studies to the Higher Accounts Council.

Fourth: Contrary to what was published in those reports, the PAM has opened a special account to receive the amount of subvention funds for those studies.

Fifth: According to the report published in February 28, 2024, and which included the obligation to return the amount, the PAM is committed to return the amount of MAD 310.158,51.

In conclusion, the PAM reaffirms that it is eager to respond positively to national institutions’ tasks, especially when this concerns managing public funds with full transparency and accuracy.

Rabat March 2, 2024

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