President of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region’s council meeting with ANAPEC regional director

Mr. Rachid Al Abdi, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region’s council, presided on Monday morning November 15, 2021, a working session attended by the regional director of ANAPC (National agency for the promotion competencies employment).

The meeting was an occasion for the ANAPEC regional director to make a presentation about the implementation of former agreements 2019-2021 between the region’s council and ANAPEC. The meeting also talked about future projects that would encourage investment and emerging enterprises at the level of the region, especially in the sectors which interest social and solidarity economy, handicrafts, tourism, small businesses and modern professions.

From his own part, Mr. Rachid Al Abdi, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region’s council has called on ANAPEC regional director to come up with a realistic and practical vision that should be aimed at encouraging investments and to particularly support and cope pace with emerging enterprises to ensure their development.

The President of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region’s council has asserted that the success and continuity of those emerging enterprises depend largely on the training quality which according to Mr. Al Abdi should necessarily be goal-oriented and strives to integrate interested young persons into job market.

In waiting for the preparation of the regional development program, Mr. Rachid Al Abdi has called on a meeting in the few coming days to include various protagonists in the sectors of culture, handicrafts, agricultural production and solidarity economy.

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