Mrs. Kekouss inquires the government about the deadline for opening the grand theater in Casablanca

PAM MP, Mrs. Najoua Kekouss has sent a written message to the Minister of Interior inquiring about the deadline for opening the grand theater, due to its radiant cultural importance and impact on the city of Casablanca.

Member of Parliament, Mrs. Kekouss said that the grand theater in Casablanca is considered as one of the most important cultural and development projects, which has benefited from the Ministry of Interior contribution estimated at MAD 480 million, Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development by MAD 400 million , while the state public fund by MAD 280 million; the Casablanca communal council has contributed by MAD 180 million, and the Governor’s office council by MAD 100 million; the overall cost of the project is estimated at MAD 1440 million.

Mrs. Kekouss added that this project has come in the context of the country’s political and cultural determination aimed at building a new brand of theaters and cultural premises; that it enjoys royal sponsoring and considered as one of the most important cultural compounds in Africa and in the Arab world.

In the same context, the PAM MP has outlined that despite the completion of works, communities in Casablanca and in the area, and all interested people in the cultural realm in Morocco and abroad are expecting the opening of the theater and its cultural and artistic programs, especially that the theater includes also a multi services space devoted to wood arts and could present world cultural and artistic shows.

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