2022 Budget.. Minister of Justice Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi presents the outlines and major orientations for the justice sector sub budget bill

Minister of Justice, Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, presented last Wednesday, November 24, 2021, the outlines and major orientations of the Ministry of Justice sub budget bill for 2022 at the Second House commission for justice, legislation and human rights.

​Mr. Ouahbi has stated that presenting the sub budget this year has come in the context of exceptional conditions witnessed by the Kingdom as a result of the Covid – 19 pandemic; the fact which has brought the Ministry of Justice and other government departments as well to meet challenges and achieve a hard equation in guaranteeing the continuity of the judiciary apparatus to carry out its services and tasks on behalf of litigants and escorts with the required efficiency, while guaranteeing health safety for courts staff, litigants and detainees and judiciary assistants in the context of preventive measures decided by public powers.

​Minister Ouahbi has clarified that the Ministry will be keen to value gains and accomplish the major project of reforming the judiciary in relation with the implementation of rule of law, guaranteeing an independent justice, fair and guarantor for a positive and attractive business climate; and this is through amending civic and penal codes and also the organizational law about constitutional appeal.

​Concerning the principle of reinforcing the justice for individual freedoms and rights, the Minister has stressed in this regard the necessity for reviewing legal texts for those rights either in the civic or penal fields, under the ground that it is a fundamental condition to create a climate for trust and liberate energies; the Minister has also called on reexamining penal politics and reforming the policy of incrimination and punishment and activating the procedure of conditional release for detainees who have shown improvement of their behavior and life; and also through applying national law with the constitution and international agreements about crime prevention and human rights, to take legislative measures to reinforce fair trials, in addition to get interested in vulnerable groups in society especially women and children.

​As regard to managing human resources, Minister Ouahbi stated that the Ministry will commit itself to organize an exam to hire 250 judicial attachés for 2021 financial law, another exam to hire 250 judicial attachés for 2022 financial year, the other one to hire 300 judicial delegates, of which 100 positions will be devoted to social assistants plus other professional exams on behalf of the justice department staff.

​Minister Ouahbi confirmed that the Ministry of Justice will pursue to carry out its mission and role in the context of legislation as it will present a number of bills concerning the reexamination penal code and penal code procedure, another law about the protection of childhood and integration and another bill about the creation of a national agency to manage seized and expropriated funds and lastly a bill for children rights code.

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