The PAM Politburo held a meeting under Secretary General’s presidency Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi to debate the National Council takeaways

The PAM Politburo held last Wednesday, December 15, 2021, a meeting in attendance and at distance under Secretary General Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi’s presidency to debate new developments in the national political scene and discuss the takeaways of the National Council’s latest session which took place in Marrakech.

At the beginning of this meeting, members of the PAM Politburo have discussed the detailed political presentation made by Mr. Secretary General and have acknowledged the orientations and interventions of Mrs. President of the National Council, through her videoconference participation due to government emergency commitments, to talk at length about our country’s territorial unity developments.

Members of the PAM Politburo have recorded international diplomatic successes being recently achieved by our country, and also the importance of great developments achievements witnessed by our Southern regions at all levels; the fact which requires full awareness about all kinds of maneuvers and provocations by our foes and reinforcing the national front unity, and go ahead with implementing major developments projects in our Southern provinces with the same determination and pace as in other regions.

Concerning government matters, the Politburo members have valued highly the signing of the “majority charter” by secretaries general of the government majority, recalling that this event has constituted another occasion to renew commitment and fulfillment to the coalition that bound us with our partners in the current government majority. It is also a moment to renew the PAM practical and responsible commitment either inside the government and Parliament, or inside various elected institutions, making use of the most efficient means to serve the nation’s and citizens causes.

On the occasion of our country commemorating the international Human Rights day, members of the PAM Politburo have recalled the big steps made by our country in the field of strengthening freedoms and safeguarding rights; it was also an occasion of the Politburo members to call on the government, interested institutions, civil society NGOs and all political parties in our country to cooperate collectively to safeguard gains and open a serious and responsible debate about some pending political, social and legal files, and also extend the debate to include other hot issues and take some advanced positions to discuss those hot issues as being stipulated by the 2011 constitution and by international agreements which were adopted by Morocco.

Regarding national public matters, members of the Politburo have highlighted resolutions and bills adopted by the government in the field of social protection calling on the same occasion to speed up the pace of implementing this strategic major project in the process of building a social state.

On the other hand, concerning some difficulties about activating the official aspect of Berber language in many institutions, the Politburo members, while expressing their gratitude towards the government clear orientation in supporting the project of Berber language, have prioritized the special fund which reaches one MAD billion by 2025 and have called on the government and all interested partners and constitutional establishments to integrate strongly in this major project so that Berber language could enjoy its natural position as the country’s constitutional language.

Regarding national issues, the PAM Politburo members have largely discussed latest developments of the Covid-19 pandemic and its variant Omicron in our country and its repercussions on our country’s general situation; in this context, the Politburo has recorded with satisfaction certain improvement of cases and death rates as well as the result of various preventive measures taken by the government and other state establishments; while on the same time, the Politburo has called on all Moroccan citizens to fully commit themselves to the principles of preventive measures, urging the government to take care of several sectors which have intensively been affected by those measures especially the tourism sector and other related activities. The Politburo has also called on the Moroccan government to double its efforts to bring back home all Moroccan citizens who have been stranded in and outside Morocco.

As concern to the party’s internal organizational issues and after noting the big success of the National Council session held last Saturday, November 27, 2021, devoted to complete the constitution of the Politburo and election of the National Council structures and adoption of its rules of procedure, members have expressed their big pride towards full responsible atmosphere embraced by the National Council’s members calling on the party’s members to pursue investing in that success and thus help implement its recommendations.

On the same occasion, the PAM Politburo has elected Mr. Samir Koudar as first deputy to the Secretary General, Mrs. Fatima Saadi, second deputy, Mr. Adib Benbrahim as treasurer, Mrs. Ilham Saqi deputy treasurer, Mr. Mohamed Sebbari and Mrs. Lalla Hajja Joumani as rapporteurs. Other following party’s poles have been constituted: Pole of administration and digitalization; organizational pole; financial, pole; media and communication pole; elected body pole and external relations pole.

At the end, concerning international issues, the Politburo members have talked at length about new developments of the Palestinian cause, considering that it is an essential cause for Moroccans, leadership and people and confirming that suffering of the Palestinian people does not accept political bargain, yet it is in fact the Moroccan Kingdom’s cause, from the royal top, through the government, the Parliament, political parties and the entire Moroccan people, who have all expressed their solidarity and support to the brotherly Palestinian people, its legitimate rights and its struggle against Zionist arrogance, international reticence and political bargaining by some of its brothers, till it achieves its legitimate right in the building of its independent state with Al Quds as its capital.

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