Communiqué of the PAM Politburo Rabat, December 27, 2021

The PAM Politburo held last Monday, December 27 2021, a meeting in presence presided over by the party Secretary General Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, devoted to deliberate new developments of the national political scene and to discuss takeaways of the latest politburo meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, members of the PAM politburo have discussed the political presentation made by the party Secretary General about recent developments of our country territorial unity issue; the politburo has recorded the important international successes our country continues to attain at the international level and in this regard, the Politburo has welcomed the European Union’s recent report which has acknowledged Morocco’s Southern provinces populations to fully benefit from the agreements signed between the EU and Morocco, praising at the same time the speeding pace of the development process in the Moroccan provinces and towns and of the hard work carried out by our country to set up the foundations for a sustainable development in that area, through creating major projects and well-elaborated planning.

In the same context, the PAM politburo has valued the decision by some Arab institutions to endorse Morocco’s full geographic map at various organizations and bodies affiliated to those institutions, in a new victory to Moroccan right. It’s also an occasion to highly value the feelings of fulfillment and gratitude expressed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI to his brothers, majesty and highness leaders of the Gulf countries, for their frank and clear support to the Moroccan Sahara and to the Moroccan Kingdom territorial integrity.

Regarding Morocco’s international relations, members of the Politburo have recalled the first anniversary of the signing of the three partite agreement between the Kingdom of Morocco, the U.S. and Israel, which they have considered as an occasion to highlight Morocco’s important international status and its historical background and a moment to strengthen traditional and fruitful cooperation between the three sides and to establish a partnership that serves world peace primarily and sponsors peoples’ interest in the second instance.

In the same context, the Politburo has followed with great interest statements and new positive positions being expressed by the German Federal government towards Morocco, the fact which signals the emergence of new bilateral cooperation relationships with the German state and confirms tangibly the clarity and honesty of the Moroccan Kingdom positions in its external relationships, taking into consideration that international relations become successful when they are based on clarity, trust and mutual respect.

Concerning national public matters, the Politburo members have highly valued the resolutions and decrees related to social protection, which the government continues to adopt and implement with great efficiency, the fact which demonstrates the government insisting desire to make successful this royal major project of crucial importance in the process of building the social national state.

Regarding national issues, the PAM Politburo has discussed the recent development of the Covid-19 pandemic, recording with great concern a new increase of cases in our country, especially of the Omicron variant and the continuation of the repercussions of this pandemic on our country’s general situation, the fact which imposes on our country’s institutions to take all necessary measures and protective precautions to avoid our country a new wave of the Covid-19 with all its multiple impacts on the already-in-crisis situation of many sectors.

Accordingly, the PAM Politburo implores all citizens, women and men, to the necessity of strict commitment to protective measures adopted by specialized authorities and to intensively take their jabs as being the only   way out to attain collective immunity, and as a means to go back to normal and natural life and revive national economy. The Politburo has also called on the government to pursue its interest in sectors which have greatly been affected by those measures and therefore to enhance its efforts to bring Moroccans stranded abroad back home.

About the government majority, members of the Politburo have highly valued the content of the communiqué issued by the Presidency of the House of Representatives meeting, made up by presidents of the majority and supporters of the government at the House, considering that this meeting comes as a practical implementation of the outlined principles at the Parliament, particularly in the legislative and controlling action field and also of the working days expected to be organized later on. It was also an occasion for the Politburo to praise coherence and solidarity, and close cooperation among the government majority components.

Regarding the party’s internal organizational issues and in the aftermath of the latest meeting of the Politburo, and based on the party’s fundamental statute provisions, the meeting has adopted the Secretary General’s decision to propose three new names to join the Politburo membership and has called on the party’s members for more sacrifices and responsible integration in the party’s organizational process which will be carried out next year to restructure its various institutions and bodies at the national level.

In conclusion, and on the occasion of the new Berber and the new year in the few coming days, Politburo members have wished to His Majesty good health and wellness as well as to all Moroccans and party’s members prosperity, peace and progress.

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