PAM Politburo held last Tuesday March 28, 2023 a meeting chaired by Secretary General Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbito debate a number of new developments in the national political scene and to discuss some party’s organizational internal issues. In the aftermath a deep debate about various issues that were included in a detailed presentation by SG Mr. Ouahbi, the Politburo has confirmed the following points:
– Reiterates on behalf of all the party’s militants warmest congratulations to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and to the entire Moroccan people on the occasion of Ramadan, praying the Al Mighty Allah to bring to our king and our people more progress, security and prosperity.
– Highly praises gains and accomplishments being achieved by Moroccan women in different fields including sports, and it’s an opportunity for PAM to reiterate warm congratulations to all the party female militants and the Moroccan women in general on the occasion of world commemoration of women’s day, wishing them more brilliance and equity so that they would play fully their role inside the society.
– Politburo has focused more on economic and social pressure faced by our country and which have greatly affected prices and consequently citizens’ purchasing power; and in this regard, the Politburo has decided the following:
– Calling on the government coalition leadership to hold an emergency meeting to debate current economic situation and its hard impact on living condition for many social categories , and also to discuss reports issued by some constitutional and strategic institutions which are interested in the financial and economic matters.
– Calling on the committee of party experts to intensify their meetings to focus on emergency economic issues and discuss their hard repercussions on citizens’ social conditions, and therefore contribute to come out with public and participative takeaways about this situation.
– Calling on the government for more determination to tighten surveillance and stand up against speculators and their behaviors which amount to the level of national treason in such hard conditions witnessed by our country where citizens are deprived from their country’s bounties due to different grid and behaviors of those speculators, and as a result the Politburo reiterates its call on the government to strike with iron hands against those who refuse to comply with governments decisions that guarantee national markets with sufficient size of basic food products, and also against those speculators who are involved in big disruptions in soaring prices of some food products, making thus a big difference between prices in the source at farmers, fishermen and artisans and non-understood prices at selling points.
– Regarding human rights issue, the Politburo has praised legal and institutional reforms undertaken by our country at the level of safeguarding human rights, the fact which reinforces the Moroccan Kingdom’s position worldwide and makes of it a required experience and a model to be followed in terms of commitment to world charters, of the amount of respect to periodic reports and of implementing the principles and culture of human rights in national legislations; in this context, the Politburo has greatly praised the UNHRC to endorse the universal period review presented by the Moroccan Kingdom last February fourth round meeting and whose recommendations were noted down by 120 states. In this context, while the Politburo welcomes some objective world observations in human rights field, requesting from the government the necessity for intellectual honesty and courage to focus on handling some legislative disruptions, and reforming some legal file and projects, it has also recorded with the same extent and with strong sorrow some international observations characterized by extravagance and lack of objectivity as a result of relying of non-objective partial sources against our country.
– Hails the government firm determination to implement essential and pivotal reforms that concern some vulnerable social conditions such as women and child conditions and feels sorry for the delay in the implementation of these reforms as stipulated by the 2011 constitution. The Politburo reiterates the party strong determination of all its militants to support all legal and legislative changes and institutional reforms that would contribute to strengthen women position inside the society and their participation in different sectors to achieve genuine equity and equality.
– In the context of excellent preparation for the opening of spring parliamentary session, the Politburo has decided to hold a meeting with the party’s both parliamentarian teams to mobilize spirit of high political responsibility as demonstrated by the party teams over the previous session of Parliament, calling on them to enhance efforts during upcoming sessions in a manner to cope with the size of challenges and big constraints witnessed by our country politically economically and socially, and this should be in full respect of the constitution, of the house of representative internal status and of the spirit of the government majority charter bringing us together with our political factions pals.
– Regarding some new organizational reports particularly preparations for holding a national convention for the creation of the party’s women organization and the youth organization, the Politburo has praised latest preparations in this regard and has also praised the recent regional convention held last week in BeniMellal Khenifra area. The Politburo has also got informed about new reports concerning the agenda of holding several regional conventions during Ramadan. On the other hand, the Politburo has taken some disciplinary measures against some disgraceful practices emanated from some party’s members from Fez Meknes area who will be presented to regional committee for arbitration and ethics.
– Regarding by-elections scheduled in Safi, the Politburo has decided to support another time the candidacy of Bougtaya.