Minister of Justice Adellatif Ouahbi holds a working session with Morocco’s bar association

Minister of Justice Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, held last Friday, November 19, 2021, a working session with Morocco’s bar association bureau.

A number of professional issues were raised during that meeting also the hearing of opinions and proposals made by Morocco’s bar association members, especially during the Covid-19 condition, its influence, repercussions and impacts on justice, the judiciary and lawyers profession.

In this context, Minister Ouahbi has confirmed, according to a press release published by the bar association bureau, his pride to belong to the lawyers profession, making some clarifications about press reports being published by some Moroccan media about his recent statements concerning the lawyers profession, stressing that the bar association is the only addressee for the Ministry of Justice in managing professional matters at the national level, for senior lawyers and their councils.

Mr. Ouahbi has highlighted, in his statement, a number of legislative and institutional arrangements he personally does care for does give a specific priority, to enhance the justice sector and improve lawyers profession, calling on a constructive cooperation and serious dialogue as the only means which should govern the relationship between the Ministry and the bar associations in Morocco, announcing at the same time that he will deploy all efforts to attain qualitative gains for the lawyers profession and safeguard their dignity. The Minister has also called for presenting proposals to find legal solutions susceptible for social and tax dossiers solutions.

The Minister has also shed light on some aspects of his department working programs and procedures, among the priorities is to come out with a lawyers profession code by the end of 2022, the creation of a training institute for lawyers, extending lawyers profession and reviewing the file of judicial assistance pertaining to the profession on behalf of the judiciary apparatus; in addition the Minister, has raised the penal code system topic being prepared by the Ministry and which comes close to completion, asking the association to express its opinions and present its viewpoints; with a certain interest to speed up modern technologies use on behalf of the judiciary system to bring citizens to put their trust back to their nation’s justice and have easy access to services without hardships.

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