Al Mansouri: The PAM success could not have been possible without big sacrifices of its members

Mrs. Fatima Zahra Al Mansouri, President of the PAM National Council said “The extraordinary session of the PAM National Council is being held and our party has achieved a big electoral victory with eligibility ; the fact which has allowed the party to preside and manage over many communal councils and many regions and has achieved a strong representativeness at the two houses of Parliament and has also enabled us to participate in the executive body with our partners in the government coalition”.

Mrs. Al Mansouri added in a statement made in her behalf, by member of the PAM politburo, Mr. Ahmed Akhshishen, during the PAM National Council extraordinary session held in Marrakech last Saturday, November 27, “that this victory could not have been achieved without the big sacrifices of the party members, women and men alike, and their true and honest integration in the party’s major project, and also thanks to the big efforts undertaken by the party’s officials in local branches and its regional and national apparatus”.

President Al Mansouri added “It was an important phase our party has presented a realistic program and new faces, and has managed successfully to run a clean electoral campaign, relying on an efficient media planning, stating “We will pursue the mobilization of all our means and work hard to make proposals and achievements to be at the level of citizens’ trust bestowed on us to serve our country’s general interest”.

Mrs. Al Mansouri stated in addition “As we have accomplished our last conference unified and homogenous , we will follow up on the constitution of the remaining of our party’s organizational apparatus on the ground of cooperation which will enhance our party’s strength to form its political bureau and complete its bodies, with respect to the organizational session and updating the party’s structures in local and regional branches; to attract new elites and work hard to build our sectors with relation to women and youth and to work also in associative action and in trade unions”. President Al Mansouri has highlighted that “we are expecting to embark on a big action inside our party, and the party cannot progress without good organization at its headquarters and its active sectors”.

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