Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi : the PAM National Council meeting embodies a victory of the determination to build a political organization for all democrats

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Secretary General of the PAM has confirmed that the party national council meeting embodies a victory of the determination to build a political organization and a confirmation of the values which believe in differences when they are serious they could construct cohesion and pluralism.

The PAM Secretary General stated in his intervention during the opening works of the extraordinary session of the PAM National Council held last Saturday, November 27, 2021 at the Endowment Palace in Marrakech that “For the second time in the aftermath of our party’s fourth convention which was held last February 2020, we hold the National Council meeting at distance and have limited the attendance only to members as such to deprive ourselves from the warmth of the presence and party brotherhood, as a result of the pandemic constraints; while our hopes were big that we will be holding this meeting with full attendance in this hall to directly exchange visions and outline closely the scopes being opened in front of our democratic struggle thanks to our national determination to serve our society and defend its causes in sustainable development, social progress and decent living, but constraints have been stronger than ourselves and so have forced us to meet in this manner.. asking the All Mighty Allah to get us rid of this pandemic”.

“Since the fourth convention, we have carried out many political battles, ideological debates and we have reinforced our position inside the society and the institutions. We have also achieved many missions to serve our principles and we have been a power for the modern front in the Moroccan political and cultural life. We have supported values of progress, human rights and equality and we have won the respect of national public opinion on behalf of our party and its members; the fact which has enabled us to gain a larger popular platform of sympathizers and lovers of our political orientations among youth, women, intellectuals, businessmen and all supporters of democracy and modernity inside the country”.

Today as a party, we stand firm, unified and strong playing an active democratic role and we will not pay any consideration to those who have betted on our differences and our split, yet even to the party full disappearance.. but the political and organizational efforts undertaken since the fourth national convention of the party, we have given a new breath to the basic founding thoughts and so the PAM has become today a fundamental factor in the democratic political equation and enjoys an important reputation among both allies and foes..

Mr. Ouahbi added that “Our determination to pursue the building process of a strong democratic party has not been undermined by hard conditions created by the national battle against the pandemic spread.. The start was actually to build a modern party with all the components to be able to work reasonably and confront the pandemic spread, concluding that all those constraints being imposed on our party actions have not discouraged us to work with a consulting and participative approach with all bodies of the party to improve its political performance.. that determination has brought us to embrace a new political discourse in dealing with all economic and political issues inside our society, a true and consistent political democratic discourse with the goal of safeguarding democracy and the nation’s interest.

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