Minister Ghita Mezzour and Minister Abdellatif Ouahbi launched the national platform for e-protection “e-Himaya” to protect children from the Internet risks

The national platform for e-protection “e-Himaya” to protect children on the Net, was launched on Tuesday December 7, 2021, and it is aimed at establishing excellent practices and techniques for a safe use of the Internet among children.

The launching of this platform, “e-Himaya” launched officially by Mrs. Ghita Mezzour, Minister of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, along with Minister of Justice Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, in the presence of members of the national coordination commission, has come to protect children on the Net and as a result of participative action between the agency for digital development and the national coordination commission which was created for the sake of establishing safe digital culture and reinforce the publication of e-tools and to develop its use among citizens.

A communiqué released by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform said that this platform has come as a result of  close collective action of the coordination commission members which includes: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, Ministry of Solidarity, Social and Family Integration, the Department of National Defense, the General Directory of information Security, the Ministry Delegate to the Government President in charge of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Bank Al Maghrib, Higher Authority for Audio Visual communication, the Gendarmerie Royale, General Directory for National Security, the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency (ANRT), the Agency for Digital Development and National Observatory for Cchildren Rights.

According to the communiqué, the development of “e-Himaya” platform has come in the context of implementing an action plan linked with the initiative “Digital culture to protect children on the Net, which is aimed at establishing a culture of appropriate and safe use of digital tools and thus protect youth and children from the risks linked to digital field. The agency for digital development is ensuring over the implementation of this initiative under the supervision of the above-mentioned coordination commission which are both envisaging the improvement of this platform with new contents about a safe use of the Internet, by posting videos, capsules, entertaining games for children and other activities for teachers and comics.

The communiqué has made clear that the first version of “e-Himaya” is accessible via in Arabic and French for interested categories to have access to a number of information and useful trips of fun contents and great practices in the field of digital security and protection of children from the Internet risks.

The Communiqué has confirmed that this content will allow children and youth to benefit from opportunities provided by digital technology and also urge parents and guardians to teach children and control their safe use of digital technology.

The Ministry has outlined that the development of this platform, which has come in the context of continued efforts undertaken by active sides interested in the protection of children on the Net, relies on a methodic and participative approach aimed at meeting the needs and aspirations of interested categories at both the level of contents and topics to be covered. There will be meetings and consulting workshops about measures and processes to protect children on the Net and also to present this platform with the following major goals: 1) Establishing an excellent and safe practice and use of digital techniques of digital sphere among children; 2) Informing and educating interested categories (children, youth, parents/guardians and teachers; 3) Presenting solutions and recommendations to parents/guardians and teachers and also presenting practical education tools for children and protect them from the Internet risks.

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