Minister of Justice Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi presided over a working meeting about implementing the digital transformation roadmap at the Justice Ministry

Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice, held last Thursday December 16, 2021, a working meeting at the late Taieb Naciri hall at the Ministry of Justice to talk about the new approach followed by the Ministry in the field of digital transformation of the judiciary in our country which is mainly based on a participative and consultative approach with several partners and components in the judiciary apparatus.

This meeting aims at implementing the initial steps of a roadmap represented in the preparation of a guide and rules at various courts of justice in the Kingdom to be as a reference in developing information programs. The meeting was attended by executives and officials from the Ministry of Justice and the Higher Council of the Judiciary Authority, The Public Prosecution Presidency and several judicial officials.

In his intervention, Minister Ouahbi has recalled the supreme royal determination to eagerly activate the major project of digitalization, its importance, requirements and challenges being imposed by the judicial sector, pointing out to the extent of integrating all components and deploy different efforts to achieve targeted goals.

On the occasion, two presentations were made by Mrs. Director of Studies, Cooperation and Modernization and Director of Studies in charge of developing a roadmap for digitalization and its implementation plan. Both directors have presented steps, phases and working process to prepare a guide and the contribution ways of various interveners in this process. All interveners representing the Higher Council of Judiciary Authority, the Public Prosecution Presidency, judiciary official and administrators have expressed the importance of that guide especially in the aftermath of a clear vision and gains reinforcement being achieved till today and praising the action being done by everybody in terms of implementing this important and vital major project which concerns modernizing and digitalizing the judiciary apparatus in our country.

The meeting ended up by the creation of several working teams to prepare a guide of procedures and rules for all justice courts of the Kingdom to meet the needs and expectations of all components of the justice apparatus and of citizens alike.

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