In preparation for the PAM fifth national convention.. the logistics, media and communication committee chaired by Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid has updated its structure and set up the roadmap of its mission

In preparation for the PAM fifth national convention, the logistics, media and communication committee held last Tuesday, July 25, 2023 its first meeting at the party headquarters with an agenda that includes the updating of its structure and discussion of several branched out poles.

Committee’s members have decided unanimously to elect Mr. Abdenabi Bioui as first deputy of the committee president, Mr. Hicham Aayroud as the second deputy and Mrs. Kouathar Al Ghorfi as the committee rapporteur.

Members of the committee have then moved to create two poles out of the committee, the first pole concerns communication and media will be in charge of keeping up with regional meetings; while the second logistics pole will be responsible or the place of the holding of the national convention and all logistics means to be provided by the party for that important convention; a sub-committee will be assigned to present a comprehensive vision on, for instance, number of guests, national and foreign delegations which will attend the official opening ceremony of the convention as well as other means to make successful the holding of the upcoming PAM fifth national convention.

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