Communiqué from the PAM National Council Presidency

The PAM National Council Presidency has followed up, like all the party’s militants, the latest developments regarding current investigation on two party members who are carrying out their mission as presidents of two territorial communes affiliated to the party. In waiting for the completion of the investigation data on the subject, of which nothing has issued so far, nor any official communiqué from concerned judiciary sides.

The PAM National Council Presidency, out of its symbolic importance, its legal competency and its legitimacy that make of it the first national institution after the national convention, states the following points:

  • The PAM Politburo has previously taken the decision to freeze party membership of the two concerned persons, after direct investigation with both of them; and the membership freezing was a personal initiative made by both concerned persons. The main purpose of the investigation was to avoid any distraction and influence on the investigation process in order to reach the truth and to bring the party and its different institutions away from any individual behaviors of some of its members whose party or electoral capacities remain absent. 
  • Party institutions, out of the party’s position amid serious national political parties, which practice politics within the framework of law and regulations, have not so far issued, any position, frankly or implicitly, to offend or influence the investigation process, in full respect of the rule of law. All this is out of the strong belief that party affiliation or mandate does not grant any privilege and any immunity from persecution and responsibility order.
  • The National Council confirms that party’s militants, females and males, do not enjoy any privilege and they remain after all citizens enjoying the same rights and obligations like all other citizens; the fact which gives other proofs that the party is not a safe haven for anyone and so doesn’t offer any protection against law enforcement.
  • Party’s militants trust security institution’s professionalism  and its neutrality; they also trust the judicial power independence, which is watching over providing all legal and judiciary guaranties submitted to them, on their top, presumption of innocence and fair trial guaranties.
  • The National Council, like all party’s institutions, will respect the decision of honest and fair justice and will adhere to judgment pronouncement since it will be the truth title and will therefore bring about required implications.

PAM, which has assumed since its creation, the burden of practicing politics with a different aspect and which is  managing public affairs from the position of government majority, gives the proof another time to those who still have some doubts, that it is a model for a legitimate party, respectful of law enforcement and of judiciary power, and it doesn’t criticize the state’s institutions and their outcome pronouncement for the behalf of its members, only in  what is conformed with law respect.     

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