Minister Fatima Zahra Mansouri: The government is working seriously on the program to limit phenomenon of houses collapse in ancient medinas and find solutions to drought problems

Minister of National Territory Rehabilitation Urbanization Housing and City Policy, Mrs. Fatima Zahra Mansouri has expressed her warm and honest condolences to the victims of the collapse of a house in ancient medina in Fes, considering that those collapses – are unfortunately – a living phenomenon; and confirming, at the same time, that there is a promising program led by the government to limit this phenomenon and its repercussions.

Minister Mansouri was talking as a guest to 2M program “With Ramadani” show last Wednesday, February 13, 2024, on several hot topics including an important issue which currently concerns all Moroccans, which is the problem of drought and water management resources in our country.

Minister Mansouri has talked about the severe drought that has struck Morocco over the last five 5 years in relation with climate changes, while expressing her optimism regarding latest rains which have poured on our country’s many areas over the last few days.

In the same context, Mrs. Mansouri has stressed that “saving water resources is our responsibility all and there’s an action plan by supreme royal instructions under way to solve all problems raised by the drought.

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