Media : PAM marks its presence through a new press outlet

The Authenticity and Modernity Party (PAM) has just launched its own media outlet, in both French and Arabic editions, under the name “Le Tracteur”. The latter shall stand as a new stage for PAM to take, with a clear ambition to make its contribution to the Kingdom’s efforts.

Thus, and after creating its own information site in Arabic, PAM decided to strengthen its communication links with its activists as well as the public opinion by launching a new version in French and another in English. “Le Tracteur” shall expend PAM’s media offering to mark its presence in Morocco’s written press.

“We believe that the Authenticity and Modernity Party, by choosing communication and transparency, will further strengthen its presence and influence on both national and international levels, as well as its anchorage within the Moroccan community living abroad, chancelleries and international organizations”, PAM Secretary General, Abdellatif Ouahbi, wrote in the party’s first editorial; noting that:

Twelve years after its creation, PAM is undoubtedly the second political force in the country and an added value to Morocco’s political life in terms of reflection and political action.

By launching “Le Tracteur”, the Authenticity and Modernity Party is strengthening its media presence and giving itself the tools to become more involved in Morocco’s political, economic, cultural and societal debates.

“Le Tracteur” first edition is entirely devoted to Guerguerat, as PAM stated on the first page that it “denounces the sterile and thoughtless provocations of the Polisario separatists”.

The operation to restore order and traffic in Guerguerat border crossing was carried out on royal instructions, and “Le Tracteur” took the opportunity to present a complete portfolio on this subject, especially in terms of solidarity, as well as the national and international support for the Kingdom of Morocco in this regard.

Viewers can also read the analyses conducted by two former PAM Secretary Generals, namely Hassan Benaddi and Mohamed Cheikh Biadillah.

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